
Young Italian-Bulgarian Artist

Elisa Neri Official


Pier Paolo Pasolini - portrait - Elisa Neri

Pier Paolo Pasolini, a hundred years of light

Artists from all over the world have decided to contribute to the creation of the exhibition "One Hundred Years of Light" dedicated to Pierpaolo Pasolini, by Sedicicorto, on the occasion of the centenary of his birth.

It will be possible to view the exhibition in person, from 1 to 16 October at the Wundergrafik gallery in Forlì (Italy), via Leoni Cobelli 34. An artistic opportunity not to be missed, during the 19th Edition of Sedicicorto Forlì, from 5 to 16 October 2022.

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Studio Recording

Showers - oil on canvas - Elisa Neri


Oil on canvas
120*120 cm

I have a weird relationship with this painting. I started it over a year ago and wanted to treat it as a project without a specific deadline, to give it the right attention and decide what its mood would be over time. Thanks to a recent trip to my home city it is now complete.

Showers - oil on canvas - Elisa Neri


Oil on canvas
100*80 cm
Blues of all shades can have such different impacts and meanings. They can range from blissful weightlessness to heavy and terrifying clarity. This was my small attempt to elaborate and visualise all of these feelings as they come and go.


Light Pollution

Light Pollution

resin, ink, acrylic

November 2021

Light Pollution

The Cube

wood, acrylic

October 2021

Custom Reproductions

Maurice Leloir Reproduction

50th Anniversary

Maurice Leloir Reproduction

Oil on canvas


Thierry Poncelet Inspired


Thierry Poncelet Inspired

Oil on canvas


A long short story of Post-Impressionism

This video has been sponsored by Doncaster Council and has been made with the purpose of encouraging people to get involved in art events in Doncaster local area. I hope you like it!

Duet with the legendary
Lara Fabian

LIFOTI Magazine - Elisa Neri

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  • +44 795 4757411
  • elisa@tateo.it
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